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New exotic insects threaten trees in Prince William County

Forester Rachel Habig will bring everyone up to speed about new invasive exotic insects that are threatening the trees of Prince William County April 4 at the First Thursday Speaker Series, sponsored by Prince William Conservation Alliance.

Habig, forester for Prince William County, will talk about the Emerald ash borer and the walnut twig beetle (carrier of Thousand Canker Disease) 7:30-9 p.m., at Bull Run Unitarian Church, 9350 Main Street, Manassas.

Both insects been found in PWC, and are in the early stages of killing all ash, black walnut, and butternut trees. PWC is under quarantine for both insects.

Learn about the life cycle of these insects, potential for damage in the county, what is being done about them and why those odd blue triangles are hanging in local ash trees.

For information go to or call 703-499-4954.

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