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Manassas city’s “Recyclefest” set for April 4

Manassas city residents are invited to be part of the “two billion people across 192 countries[who] will participate in Earth Day 2015, making it the largest civic observance in the world,” according Monica Boehringer, refuse and recycling coordinator of Manassas Public Works and Utilities.

In celebration of Earth Day’s 45th anniversary, city’s Public Works and Utilities is hosting its annual Recyclefest on Saturday, April 4 from 8 a.m. to noon at the Manassas Transfer Station, 8305 Quarry Road.

Residents can recycle items and shred documents for free, check out recycling craft demonstrations, enter an American Disposal raffle contest to win Washington National tickets, and take a look at an American Disposal trash truck.

Residents will be able to recycle their household hazardous waste, electronic waste, gently used clothing and even shred paper documents for free. Last year more than 400 residents attended Recyclefest, and brought more than 20,000 tons of recycling in just four hours, according to a news release from the city’s Public Works and Utilities Department.

For more information, call 703-257-8252 or go to

Waste Management, American Disposal and the City of Manassas will have information booths available at the Spring Recyclefest, while American Disposal will also provide a trash truck for attendees to view.

American Disposal will also host a contest for people to guess the amount of cans in an aluminum bale, and the winner will be awarded Washington Nationals tickets.

In addition, the Osbourn High School Robotics team of Manassas, Va. will debut a recycling project. The team is competing in an international robotics competition with a recycling theme.

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