Manassas recently launched its newly redesigned website. Patty Prince, the city’s communications coordinator, said the “new website is fresh, accurate, simple and transparent – FAST.”
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The home page has been simplified and more information that is easily accessible with graphic image buttons. Site visitors can now see all information under the top menus by hovering over that button. This is the new “mega menu” feature, Prince enthused.
On the new site, there are three buttons on every page where site visitors can pay a bill, report a concern like a pothole orstreet light outage, and see their tax dollars at work.
The new “social corner” feature is aimed at helping visitors who are not on social media see what’s being said on the City’s Twitter feed. At the bottom of the screen there are seven quick access buttons to the City’s most visited pages on the website. Prince said this feature “should make finding things much easier.”
The expanded footer at the bottom of the page has quick links to important areas of the website, such as the city code and directions to city facilities.
The city’s website can be read in more than 60 languages, with a new Google Translate feature found on the footer
The city’s web team worked with the web team at Civic Plus to make more user friendly and simpler to navigate, according to Prince.
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