Prince William County, Manassas and Manassas Park will host a community open house on Wednesday, June 12 on the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority’s (NVTA) list of proposed projects for Fiscal Year 14, which starts July 1, 2013.
The open house starting at 7 p.m. will be held at the Old Manassas Courthouse, 9248 Lee Avenue, Manassas, Va. and will focus on the proposed projects in the Prince William area; however, information about all the proposed projects for the region will be available.
Marty Nohe, Prince William’s Coles District Supervisor and chairman of NVTA, was quoted n a news release as saying, “We really do want to hear from people about what they think about these projects; do they think we missed anything; and what do they want us to consider moving forward. The main goal is to help improve residents’ ability to get around the area, and to allow them to spend more time doing the things they want to do instead of sitting in traffic.”
The proposed projects that will impact the Prince William area include:
· US 1 from Featherstone Road to Mary’s Way
· VA 28 from Linton Hall Road to Fitzwater Drive
· PRTC New Gainesville Service (1 bus)
· VRE Gainesville-Haymarket Extension Project Development
For those who are unable to attend the open house, the list of proposed projects is on the NVTA website at The p.ublic may email their comments on the projects to
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The public is also invited to attend and provide feedback regarding the list during the NVTA public hearing on June 20, 2013, at 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall in the City of Fairfax. There will be an open house and presentation before the public hearing beginning at 5:30 p.m.
Funding for these proposed projects comes from the Commonwealth’s transportation bill, HB2313, which is estimated to bring Northern Virginia $1.9 billion in new transportation funding over the next six years. The funding will be allocated through the NVTA and Northern Virginia localities.
Detailed information about the projects and criteria, as well as the projects for consideration the future Six Year Plan, can be found at
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