In preparation for the SAT to be administered Oct. 11, Fauquier County Public Schools is hosting an SAT-preparatory class by Kaplan Test Prep and Admissions at a reduced rate, according Karen Parkinson. coordinator of information.
Cost is $299, which is a savings of $300 off of Kaplan’s usual $599 charge.
The 10-session class will be offered at Kettle Run High School beginning Aug. 23 and ending Oct. 8.
Registration for FCPS students closes Monday, Aug. 11. To register, call Carol Hollinger at (540) 422-7020.
Once your seat is verified, forward a check or money order for $299 to the FCPS Budget Office (Attention: Cindy Mills), 320 Hospital Drive, Suite 40, Warrenton, VA 20186.
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