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Farm Tour Stop 1:  Stoney Lonesome

Stoney Lonesome Farm will be open to the community during Prince William County’s Farm Tour on Sept. 25 from noon to 4 p.m. Visitors will be able to learn about organic gardening and taste some of the farm’s scrumptious fresh harvest from the morning.

Stoney Lonesome Farm is entering its eighth season as an organic farm operated by owner Pablo Elliott with help from Diana Cowdery, intern manager.

The farm has been in Elliott’s family since the 1970s, but Elliott began farming about eight years ago. He began with one vegetable patch on the 92-acre farm. Now, about four acres is farmed.

He and his wife, Esther, worked the farm with the help of interns until last year when they added to their family. One-year old son, Aryeh, keeps Esther busy, but Elliott gets help from interns. Cowdery lives at the farm and manages interns who are hired to help at the farm during the summer. She also helps manage and complete daily tasks such as planting, weeding, harvesting, feeding cats and more.

Elliott focuses on organic vegetable production. Stoney Lonesome has a community-supported agriculture (CSA) program, which enables people who sign up, for a fee, to receive shares of the produce that is harvested from the farm.

More information is on the farm tour website:

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