Incidents and arrests released by Prince William County Police Department on Wednesday, February 26, 2014
School Drug Searches – On February 24th, members of the School Resource Officer Unit and K-9 Unit conducted a routine drug search at Woodbridge Senior High School located at 3001 Old Bridge Rd in Woodbridge (22192). As common practice, students were removed from one of the classrooms for the search. During the search, a police K-9 alerted on two backpacks that left in the room. After a subsequent search of the bags, marijuana was located. Following the investigation, the officer obtained charges against both students. One of the students, an adult, is still wanted. On the same day, a search was also conducted at Godwin Middle School, no drugs were located. These searches are performed routinely at different schools in the county and are not in response to any public concern.
Wanted: [No photo available]
Edwin Christian CONTRERAS BOBADILLA, 22, last known address in the 13200 block of Armstead St in Woodbridge
Described as a Hispanic male, 5’8”, 160lbs with brown eyes and black hair
Wanted for possession with intent to distribute marijuana
Charged on February 25th: [Juvenile]
A 14 year old male juvenile of Woodbridge
Charged with possession with intent to distribute marijuana
Charge will be handled unofficially
Residential Burglary – On February 25th at 5:15PM, officers responded to an apartment located in the 12200 block of Ashmont Ct in Woodbridge (22192) to investigate a burglary. The resident of the apartment reported to police that the burglary occurred between 12:00PM and 2:20PM. There were no signs of forced entry into the home. Jewelry, valued around $1,100, was reported missing.
Residential Burglary – On February 25th at 1:11PM, officers responded to an apartment located in the 2000 block of Sequoia Ct in Woodbridge (22191) to investigate a burglary. The resident of the apartment reported to police that the burglary occurred between 3:30PM and 6:00PM on February 24th. There were no signs of forced entry into the home. Entry is believed to have been made through an unsecured door. A gaming console and game, total value around %560, were reported missing.
Malicious Wounding – On February 24th at 8:49AM, officers responded to a residence located in the 1700 block of Tilletson Pl in Woodbridge (22191) to investigate an assault. The victim, a 36 year old man of Woodbridge, reported to police that he and the accused, a known acquaintance, were involved in a verbal altercation which escalated. During the encounter, the accused picked up a glass candle holder and threw it towards the victim, striking him in the head. The victim sustained a minor injury. Following the investigation, the accused was arrested without further incident.
Arrested on February 24th:
Jazzlyne Aisha ELLIS, 34, of the 1700 block of Tilletson Pl in Woodbridge
Charged with malicious wounding
Court date: unavailable | Bond: held WITHOUT bond
Assault & Battery on a Law Enforcement Officer [LEO] – On February 25th at 4:13PM, officers responded to the 15400 block of Chopawamsic Ct in Woodbridge (22191) to investigate a disorderly. Caller reported to police that the accused, a known acquaintance, was at the residence and was agitated. Officers arrived and determined that the accused was under the influence of alcohol. At that point, officers placed the accused in handcuffs and began escorting her to a police cruiser. Once at the cruiser, the accused refused to sit in the backseat and forcibly kicked one of the officers in the leg. Minor injuries were reported.
Arrested on February 25th:
Akilah Lateefah SANDERLIN, 24, of 15497 Chopawamsic Ct in Woodbridge
Charged with assault & battery on LEO, resisting arrest, and intoxication in public
Court date: April 9, 2014 | Bond: held WITHOUT bond
Assault & Battery – On February 25th at 7:45AM, officers responded to the 14100 block of Jefferson Davis Hwy in Woodbridge (22191) to investigate a stabbing. The victim, a 37 year old man of Woodbridge, reported to police that he and the accused, a known acquaintance, were involved in a verbal altercation on a PRTC bus. The altercation escalated physically and, at one point, the victim pulled out a knife and stabbed the accused in self-defense. The bus stopped in the above area where both parties got off and the fight continued. Officers arrived and detained both parties. The accused was determined to be the primary aggressor and was arrested. The victim was not charged. The accused sustained a cut wound to his chest and was transported to an area hospital for treatment. The victim sustained minor injuries.
Arrested on February 25th: [No photo available]
Makubani Sun REEL, 34, of 19396 Richmond Ave in Woodbridge
Charged with assault & battery
Court date: April 7, 2014 | Bond: held WITHOUT bond
Narcotics Investigation – On December 12th [2013], detectives from the Prince William-Manassas-Manassas Park Narcotics Task Force concluded a narcotics investigation involving the sales of heroin, ecstasy, and marijuana with the execution of a search warrant at a residence located at 14728 Featherstone Rd in Woodbridge (22191). As a result of the search; pills, marijuana, cocaine, and an undisclosed amount of U.S. Currency were recovered. The following arrests were also made without incident. These arrests were previously held for investigative purposes.
Arrested on December 12th [2013]:
Christopher William COTTLES, 23, of 14728 Featherstone Rd in Woodbridge
James William Joseph LEFEVRE, 20, of 14728 Featherstone Rd in Woodbridge
Both men were charged with distribution of a schedule I or II narcotic
Court date: March 21, 2014 | Bond: $10,000 secured
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