Del. Marshall reports that his HB 1612, to protect personal privacy in showers, locker rooms, changing areas and bathrooms in our schools and government buildings, was killed on a voice vote Jan. 20 in Subcommittee #4 of the General Laws Committee. “Despite the subcommittee being dominated by Republicans, only one Republican, Tommy Wright, voted the right way, against tabling my bill,” he said.
According to Marshall, “The people who testified in favor of my bill were outstanding! No one disputed the consequences I explained would result from policies which would open up showers, changing areas, lockers and bathrooms to the opposite sex in schools, rest stops and government buildings. I also gave evidence that North Carolina did not suffer economic hardship after a similar law passed in that state and I gave examples of other bills that were introduced while court cases were pending, to dispel the notion that the General Assembly does not consider legislation when the matter is in the courts. Still, my bill went down.”
He also said, “The subcommittee did not support my request for a record vote. I wanted the vote to be recorded on the Legislative Information System so that the public could see how legislators voted. I reminded the Committee that they were elected by voters who expect them to be transparent and to do the will of the people.”
Delegate Marshall, senior member of the Prince William delegation to the General Assembly, represents part of Prince William County and Manassas Park.
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