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County schools to celebrate Month of the Military Cild

From moms and dads coming in for breakfast or lunch, to photo galleries, school assemblies, and crayon collecting, activities abound in PWCS to recognize military families. April 15 is recognized as Purple Up Day to say thanks. Some schools are recognizing this observance in the following ways:

Ashland Elementary School is celebrating Month of the Military child by having spirit days each Wednesday during April. Every Wednesday, students and staff will show their support for military families by wearing things such as camouflage, purple, and patriotic colors.

Families of students at Pattie Elementary and Henderson Elementary will celebrate together at the Heroes, Helpers, and Hot dogs event planned on Henderson’s campus. This will be an outdoor family event. Students will enjoy free food, inflatable activities, and more! Family readiness services from Marine Corps Base Quantico will be on site with additional resources.

At Henderson Elementary, family pictures of military-connected students will be displayed throughout the cafeteria for all visitors to see as they eat lunch with their children.

All military-connected students at Ashland, Henderson, Marumsco Hills, Pattie, and Porter Traditional schools are receiving a Certificate of Appreciation signed by the Military Student Transition Consultant or school Counselor, and school Principal.

Military-connected students at Potomac Middle School will be featured on the school’s televised morning announcements. Students will be grouped together by service branch, and a spokesperson will tell what branch they represent and share the different countries they have lived in. Additionally, students of military retirees will also be featured and will share what they like about being stationary students.

On April 30, military families of Ashland, Henderson, and Pattie will enjoy a fun-filled evening at the Potomac Nationals game, at no cost. Students will receive a grab-bag with a souvenir hat, will get to run the bases, and enjoy pre game fireworks.

The Trevoir Romain’s USO All the Way Tour visited Henderson Elementary, Mary Williams Elementary, and Old Bridge Elementary during the week of April 11. The United Service Organizations (USO) partners with the Comfort Crew for Military Kids to send award-winning author and motivational speaker Trevor Romain on tour to promote self-confidence and resiliency in military children ages 6 to 15 years old. Annually, Trevor and his crew embark on a multi-city “With You All the Way!” tour providing presentations to military children living throughout the United States.

Forest Park High School is celebrating by posting banners and posters throughout the building. All staff will sign the banner which reads “FPHS Supports our Military Families”, which will be displayed in the front lobby.

Since February, students at Ashland, Henderson and Pattie Elementary have been collecting crayons for the Crayon Initiative. The Crayon Initiative organizes crayon collections which take unwanted crayons, remanufactures them, and provides them to hospitals that are caring for our kids. Hospital arts programs provide in-hospital entertainment and learning programs.

The wax from crayons is not biodegradable and will never break down, leaving a waxy sludge in our landfills for centuries to come. The Crayon Initiative supports environmental efforts by diverting crayons from the landfills.

Annually, over 500,000 pounds of broken crayons are discarded in landfills throughout the country. Crayon collections will continue until the end of April. Students in these schools are also celebrating Month of the Military Child by giving back to others!

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