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Coach Martin to speak at Armed Forces Appreciation Day Aug. 11 at the county fair

A highly decorated retired U. S. Marine Corps officer honored for his heroism in Vietnam will be the keynote speaker at the second annual Armed Forces Appreciation Day at the Prince William County Fair.
Lt. Col. Justin (Jerry) Martin USMC (ret.) will be the guest speaker at a ceremony at 1 p.m., Aug. 11 in the Show Barn on the Fairgrounds.
All veterans and a guest will be admitted free that day as well as active duty military and Wounded Warriors. Donations will be collected and 100 percent of the proceeds will be donated to Fisher House.

Martin, who has been active in veterans affairs both in Manassas and Washington D. C. for more than 40 years, will address the gathering on the topic “Veterans and the Community.”
Decorated four times for heroism in Vietnam, including the Silver Star and Purple Heart Medal, Martin retired from the Second Marine Division in 1987, and taught and coached in Manassas City Public Schools until retirement in 2007.
Martin participated in 16 combat operations and flying more than160 combat missions in Laos, South Vietnam and North Vietnam.

He has been active in community projects including serving as chairman of the Manassas Veterans Day Parade Board and member of the Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial Fund Education Board.
Martin is married to Sandra Lee Iddings, a lifetime resident of Prince William County. They have two children and two grandchildren.
Other highlights of the Appreciation Day ceremony will be Invocation by Will Halyak, chaplain,  American Legion Post 10; National Anthem by Cindy ((Holbrook) Colbert who was the last reigning Miss Prince William Fair in 1990; Post Colors, Lake Jackson Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department Honor Guard; Forward by Cathy Roseberry, Prince William Veterans Farm Club member; Taps, Kenneth Anderson, MAC, USNR (Ret.) ; Benediction, Chaplin Julie Rowan, Lt. Col., USA; and Retreat, Kevin Byrne, bagpiper.
Master of Ceremonies will be radio personality Edwin Pardue. The founding veterans of the Prince William County Fair will be recognized. Military groups and equipment will be on display throughout the day.
Fair Event Manager Chris Long said “We are honored to honor the veterans who started the county fair 64 years ago and have been a part of it ever since. This what makes our community so great.”
The fair runs Aug. 9-17, a mile south of Manassas on Va. Route 2234.

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