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Check for latest news about Saturday’s forecast

What’s Happening Now

See the Winter Weather Advisory from the National Weather Service for precipitation for Saturday. The forecast includes periods of rain and accumulating snow, as well as increased winds. Please continue to monitor forecasts closely as forecasts can improve or worsen quickly.

Crews will mobilize overnight to treat state-maintained roads. Please drive with caution around plow trucks as they are heavy and move slowly.

Temperatures are expected to drop below freezing, causing potential icy conditions. Treat anything that looks wet as if it could be icy, especially bridges, ramps, overpasses, and elevated surfaces. If there is snow or ice on roadways, travel is hazardous.

Reminders for Residents and Drivers:

Wind gusts will possibly bring down trees, branches, and power lines. Tree removal crews will be deployed to remove trees from the roadway.

To report downed trees or other debris in the road, residents can contact the Customer Service Center at 800-FOR-ROAD (800-367-7623) or

Monitor road conditions on or the free mobile app, or call 511 from any phone in Virginia.

Follow @vadotnova and @NWS_BaltWash for real-time updates!

Learn more about snow removal by visiting and viewing Northern Virginia District’s fact sheet..

For updates and resources, visit and

Report road hazards at 800-FOR-ROAD (367-7623) or

Check conditions before you travel at

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