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Aug. 7-13 proclaimed as “Farmers’ Market Week” in Virginia

According to a proclamation by Governor Terence R. McAuliffe, August 7-13 is Farmers’ Market Week in Virginia. In the proclamation, Governor McAuliffe says that farmers’ markets in Virginia have grown dramatically, from 88 markets in 2006 to 259 in 2016.

What has caused this dramatic growth? “There are many reasons,” according to Sandy Adams, Commissioner of the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS).

“The popularity of the Buy Local movement has continued to grow, people who no longer have farms in the family like to meet farmers and know where their food originates and farmers’ markets often offer specialty or heritage products that are not easy to find anywhere else.” She adds that farmers’ markets are becoming key community gathering places.

Every year, Virginia sees new farmers’ markets opening, many in food deserts, giving people with few shopping options access to fresh, nutritious products.

At farmers’ markets across the Commonwealth right now, shoppers will find Virginia Grown tomatoes, corn, cucumbers, onions, okra, squash, apples, peaches, melons, berries, herbs and more harvested at the peak of flavor, freshness and nutrition.

In addition to delicious foods to eat, they also will find products such as plants and fresh-cut flowers.

Farmers markets help strengthen local economies. Consumer spending at farmers’ markets keeps money circulating within the local economy, helping to create and preserve jobs in rural localities. Consumers visiting farmers’ markets also spend money at neighboring businesses, supporting the neighborhoods where the markets are held.

VDACS maintains a list of Virginia farmers’ markets by region on Farmers’ markets are invited to add or update their listings on the web site. Market managers, vendors and consumers are encouraged to follow VDACS on Twitter and Facebook.

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