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April 18 designated National Lineman Appreciation Day

Northern Virginia Electric Cooperative is applauding linemen and the United States Senate for designating April 18, 2013, as National Lineman Appreciation Day.

In the last 18 months, line technicians have worked around the clock to restore power after Hurricane Irene in 2011, the derecho wind storm on June 29, 2012, Hurricane Sandy on Oct. 29, 2012, and Snowstorm Saturn on March 6, 2013, according to a news release from Priscilla Knight, NOVEC spokesman.

Stan Feuerberg, NOVEC president/CEO, was quoted in the news release as saying, “Line technicians endured oppressive heat after the derecho rolled through several states and NOVEC territory last summer and worked until everyone had air conditioning. They went into Hurricane Sandy despite gale winds and pounding rain to replace broken utility poles, remove trees from power lines, and reconnect customers. Ninety-five NOVEC contract linemen went to New Jersey to help investor-owned utilities restore power to people along the Jersey Shore. Last month, our linemen worked through Snowstorm Saturn to restore power for not only our customers, but for many customers served by other electric cooperatives in Virginia. These first responders put their lives and comfort on the line everyday so that we can have electricity. NOVEC heartily applauds the resolution passed by the U.S. Senate.”

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