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26th Take Your Dog to Work Day is Friday, June 21

Pet Sitters International’s 26th annual Take Your Dog To Work Day® is Friday, June 21.

Take Your Dog To Work Day always falls on the Friday after Father’s Day.) The entire week is Take Your Pet To Work Week® (June 17-21), and the week kicks off today with Take Your Cat To Work Day® (Monday, June 17).

Pet Sitters International (PSI), that identifies itself as “the world’s leading educational organization for professional pet sitters,” created the event in 1999 to celebrate the great companions dogs make and promote their adoptions.

PSI Founder and CEO Patti Moran said she saw it as a unique way to give back to the pet community from which PSI members earn their livings.

Companies with remote employees are encouraged to host virtual celebrations to celebrate employees’ pets and promote adoption.

Any business is welcome to celebrate Take Your Dog To Work Day. PSI cannot provide a list of local participants since companies are not required to register in order to participate, but an online search is likely to reveal local companies who plan to participate in the day.

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