A new curbside yard waste collection program begins Oct. 1 in Prince William County. Yard waste will be collected separately from trash and recycling. Yard waste must be placed in biodegradable paper bags or containers labeled “Yard Waste”. Do not use plastic bags for yard waste collection.
Yard waste collection is seasonal March through December. Please contact your trash and recycling hauler for your yard waste collection day. In addition to yard waste collection, Christmas trees will be collected during the first two weeks of January.
Yard waste material will be composted at the newly expanded Balls Ford Road Compost Facility in Manassas - not the County Landfill on Dumfries Road.
Go to http://www.pwcva.gov/yardwaste for additional details.
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<a href="http://www.bullrunnow.com/news/article/09864">Yard waste collection program starts Oct. 1 in PWC: contact your hauler</a>