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Virginia ranks 8th in nation on Education Week’s Chance-for-Success Index

Virginia’s Superintendent of Public Instruction, James Lane, says that the Jan. 20 Chance-for-Success Index report from Education Week shows that Virginia’s public schools continue to rank among the nation’s best in preparing students for college and careers. The commonwealth earned a B in the annual report and ranked eighth in the nation.

The 2021 Chance-for-Success Index evaluates pre-pandemic state performance on indicators related to early childhood education, achievement in reading and mathematics, high school graduation, family income, adult education and employment.

“This year’s Chance for Success Index provides a snapshot of where we were before the disruptions to teaching and learning caused by COVID-19,” Lane said. “Virginia’s performance relative to other states shows that we have a strong foundation on which to build as schools are able to safely resume in-person instruction and address the impact of the pandemic on students and families.”

The index is the first installment of Education Week’s three-part Quality Counts report on the nation’s schools. The weekly education journal evaluates states in June on school finances, and in September on student achievement and progress toward closing achievement gaps. Education Week also reports overall Quality Counts state grades and scores in September.

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