According to a news release, Prince William Hospital is celebrating Certified Nurses Day on March 19, 2012, by honoring its board certified nurses for their knowledge, skills and commitment to delivering a remarkable patient experience, in every dimension, every time. The hospital identified those being recognized for “their professionalism, leadership, and commitment to excellence in patient care” as:
Kathleen Abromavich, RN, Theresa Alicea, RN, Carin Ashbrook, RN, Claye Avera, RN, Vanessa Aycock, RN, Judy Ballard, RN, Teresa Baltuano-Post, RN, Jeanie Barlow, RN, Claudia Barnish, RN, Lily Batayola, RN, Joyce Beaini, RN, Donna Beebe, RN, Gail Behrle, RN, Carlos Bernal, RN, Mary Pat Blanchette, RN, Joanne Broomer, RN, Jennifer Brown, RN, Leeann Brown, RN, Julia Burgess, RN, Mary Bzdak, RN,
Susan Campbell, RN, Melissa Cottingham, RN, Deana Coy, RN, Shawn Craddock, RN, William R. Cramer, RN, Linda Cronin, RN, Michelle Curran, RN, Jan Dagenhart, RN, Kelly Davis, RN, Jennifer DeFranco, RN, Terea Diggs, RN, M. Kate Edwards, RN, Rene Ernest, RN, Susan Feldmann, RN, Catherine Ferraiuolo, RN, Tracy Fields, RN, Julie Garcia, RN, Nicole Gendron-Trainer, RN, Jacinta Gomes, RN, Miriana Gomez, RN, LeeAnne Green, RN, Jan Griffin, RN, Christen Grimes, RN,
Dawn Harris, RN, Schelly Harrison, RN, Linda Henderson, RN, Sarah Herbert, RN, Kelly Hinzman, RN, Katherine Hoffman, RN, Beatrice Holt, RN, Paula Howes, RN, Patricia Irvin, RN, Marlese Jackson, RN, Darcy Jenkins, RN, Judy Jenkins, RN, Kadiatu Kanu, RN, Christine Keaveny, RN, Patricia Kerns, RN, Seong Kim, RN, Pamela Komaridis, RN, Ancy Kulakkattolickal, RN, Shanna Leary, RN, Oakjoo Lee, RN, Jeanne Lese, RN, Emily Loving, RN, June Lyda, RN, Pamela Lynch, RN,
Suzanne McAndrews, RN, Christel McGovern, RN, Linda McMillan, RN, Leann McMullen, RN, Molly Mello, RN, Janet Moore, RN, Kathryn Moss, RN, Illana Naylor, RN, Monica, Noonan, RN, Debra Oakes, RN, Kathryn Orski, RN, Dae Park, RN, Debra Parrish, RN, Teresa Pearson, RN, Donna Pfost, RN, Michele Poblador, RN, Jillian Powers, RN, Brenda Primus, RN, Sally Randall, RN, Donna Rea, RN, Doreen Reese, RN, Constance Rickerson, RN, Heather River, RN, Sheryl Roloff, RN, Jillian Roth, RN, Alicia Ruiz, RN,
Maryann Savage, RN, Pamela Scarce, RN, Victoria Scott, RN, Mary Shahady, RN, Dana Shanks, RN, Maria Silver, RN, Pamela Smith, RN, Jamie Stern, RN, Tina Stoernell, RN, Linda Stohon, RN, Cynde Sturm, RN, Jane Suliga, RN, Helen Taylor, RN, Dolores Torres, RN, Mar Tortajada, RN, Jessy Tramontana, RN, Karen Webb, RN, Ronda Webb, RN, Judy Weiss, RN, Trishia Whisenant, RN, Lisa Whitmer, RN, Rosemary Wlaschin, RN and Oi-Mei Yau, RN.
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