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Get ready for winter with food, coats and flu vaccines at Woodbridge MoM clinic Nov. 15

Catholic Charities Mother of Mercy Free Medical Clinic (MoM) in Woodbridge will help prepare the local community for the winter with food, coats and flu vaccines at a clinic this coming Sunday, Nov. 15, from 1 to 3 p.m. at Mother of Mercy Parking Lot, 13900 Church Hill Drive, Woodbridge, VA 22191.

The clinic will provide food and warm winter coats to those in need 1-2 p.m. and has 400 free flu vaccines available 2-3 p.m. for those who are uninsured.

The effort is being held in conjunction with World Day of the Poor, a day on which Catholics focus on their responsibility to serve neighbors, particularly the most vulnerable.

“As we head into the winter months and holidays, the stresses experienced by those already in need grow. This event is part of the Catholic Charities’ commitment to help keep local families healthy. Food, warm winter coats and flu vaccines are basic necessities that go a long way in achieving this,” said Alexandra Luevano, BSN, RN, CCM, Clinic Director, MoM. “This year, families have been hit particularly hard by the health and economic impacts of the coronavirus. We are thankful to offer these basic needs to the community just as we are getting ready to open this new clinic on Nov. 23.”
Drive-Thru Food and Winter Coat Distribution, and Free Flu Shots for the Uninsured, hosted by the Mother of Mercy Free Medical Clinic. Medical volunteers will assist with the immunizations. Safe distancing, masks and other COVID-19 mitigation measures will apply. Food and Coat Distribution: 1-2 p.m. Flu Vaccines administered: 2-3 p.m.             

Food is being provided through Catholic Charities’ St. Lucy Food Project, which collects and distributes food to its three pantries in Alexandria, Leesburg and Front Royal and to 57 other community pantries.

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