Prince William Board of County Supervisors will hold its regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, at 2 p.m. at the McCoart Administration Building, 1 County Complex Court in Woodbridge.
Although the McCoart Building is closed to the public due to COVID-19, it is open for the Board meeting and other in-person meetings of the Board and County boards, commissions and authorities as required by state law. The McCoart Building will open at 1:45 p.m. on March 31 and close immediately following the adjournment of the Board meeting.
Although Executive Order 53 from the Governor exempts the operation of government, the Board will implement health and safety measures before and during the meeting to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in accordance with federal and state health and safety guidance.
Any members of the public who attends the meeting will be expected to comply with these measures, including being physically spaced at least 6 feet apart, in the Board chambers and the atrium.
Meeting Agenda:
The agenda may be found at The i.tems on the agenda are procedural items related to the public health emergency and the County Executive’s local declaration of emergency, as well as updates from the County Executive on the county’s response to COVID-19 and the financial impact.
The public is encouraged to stay at home and watch the live broadcast rather than attend in person. The meeting will be broadcast live on the county’s website at and on the county’s cable channels, Channel 23 on Comcast and Channel 37 on Verizon. It will be archived on the website at and rebroadcast on the cable channels once the meeting is complete.
Public Comment:
If members of the public would like to comment on any agenda item or any other County business, but do not wish or are unable to attend the meeting, they may do so by visiting The public is always welcome to call or email the full Board or individual Board member(s), as well.
For more information about the Board of County Supervisors, visit
For more information about the county’s response to COVID-19, visit
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