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Local census “events” canceled; residents are asked to complete the form online, by phone or mail

The Prince William area Census “events” listed below have been canceled due to COVID-19, according to a news release from Prince William County government:

All “Census Saturday” volunteers and information tables at libraries until further notice.
All information tables and volunteers at senior centers until further notice.
World Census Day, April 1, at Northern Virginia Community College, Woodbridge
Manassas Schools Wellness Festival, April 2, at Osbourn High School
One Love Festival Manassas, April 25, downtown Manassas

Nevertheless, the US Census Bureau asks people to complete the 2020 U.S. Census online, by phone, or send it in by mail. Person-to-person contact is not needed to complete the 2020 Census, the county’s news release said.

According to the Prince William County Demographer, Brian Engelmann, all households should have received their first 2020 Census “invitation” in the mail by March 20, which contains a unique ID to quickly and easily complete the census form at Respondents can also use their street address to complete the census. By early April, all households that have not responded will receive a paper questionnaire.

Engelmann emphasized the online and confidentiality aspects of the 2020 Census: “While we are focused on the health and wellbeing of our families and community, we also need to take 10 minutes of our time to complete the 2020 Census form. Just 10 minutes of your time determines the future of our children and local services through the year 2030. It is important that everyone in each household is counted, including babies born on or before April 1.”

Engelmann explained, “The Census Bureau is legally bound to protect your personal responses. “The Census Bureau has dedicated and professional staff who are committed to your privacy and getting a complete count of our communities. No information you provide can be used against you, in any way.”

Engelmann also stated that the 2020 Census is accessible to anyone. It is available in 13 different languages online and by phone.
Also, he said, there are guides in 59 different languages and for those with specific needs. These guides are available at Anyone can complete the questionnaire by phone at 844-330-2020 between the hours of 7 a.m. and 2 a.m. every day.

Due to COVID-19, the U.S. Census Bureau will adjust some of its procedures to ensure everyone is counted. The bureau may also postpone the planned July 31, 2020, completion date, if necessary, to get a complete and accurate count, according to a Census Bureau press release.

“We are adjusting some operations … with two key principles in mind: protecting the health and safety of our staff and the public and fulfilling our statutory requirement to deliver the 2020 Census counts to the President on schedule,” the release stated.

More information on the census can be found at the Prince William County website at

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