Effective March 23, 2020, Residential Inspections that require entry into an existing occupied dwelling will be suspended for 30-Days. This applies to inspections conducted by the Building Construction Inspections Branch, the Special Inspections Section, and the Building Code Enforcement Section.
Only exterior Residential Inspections of occupied dwellings will be conducted.
All New Residential Building Inspections (interior and exterior) will be conducted.
All Commercial Inspections will be conducted.
The County Building Inspectors have been instructed on practicing Social Distancing by maintaining a minimum spacing of 6 feet with others during the inspection. Please assist the Inspector by actively practicing Social Distancing.
If you have a potentially unsafe condition, urgent extenuating circumstance, or questions, please contact the Building Construction Inspections Branch at 703-792-7006, Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM.
If there are any changes in circumstances, a new notification will be issued.
We sincerely appreciate your understanding and cooperation regarding this matter.
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<a href="http://www.bullrunnow.com/news/article/09120">PW County to halt interior inspections of occupied dwellings for 30 days starting March 23</a>