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Teens can apply for PWC human rights leadership council

Prince William County Human Rights Commission is accepting applications for its Human Rights Student Leadership Council 2019-2020 school year’s cohort. The council, or HRSLC, helps develop young leaders and promotes dialogues on diversity, understanding and appreciation of the differences among students.

Students who are sophomores, juniors, and seniors in Prince William County public, private and home schools are eligible. Apply Aug. 30-Sept. 30 at Completed applications must be received by Sept. 30, 2019. 

Denise McPhail, Outreach and Education Coordinator of the Human Rights Office, was quoted in a news release as saying, “In five sessions, students will have opportunities to network with Human Rights professionals, government and community leaders…and learn more about human and civil rights.  These sessions will include employment and housing anti-discrimination laws. They will also interact with students from various cultures and social groups, which increases cultural competence and promotes empathy that ultimately reduces prejudice. They will also have an opportunity to serve in leadership roles and focus on various leadership skills.”

For more information go to or call 703-792-4680.

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