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Prince William Police advise they’ll begin seat belt enforcement May 13

Prince William County Police will join law enforcement agencies statewide in the “Click It or Ticket” campaign to enforce Virginia’s safety-belt and child safety-seat laws.

Expect high-visibility patrols – day and night – from Monday, May 13, through Sunday, June 2 (which includes the Memorial Day holiday weekend).

Seat belts are mandatory in Virginia for all persons riding in the front seat. Virginia car seat laws also state that:
• All children under the age of eight must ride in a federally approved, secured safety seat.
• Children 8-15 must use a safety seat, booster seat, or seat belt, no matter where in the vehicle the child is riding.
• It is the driver’s responsibility to make sure all children, age 15 and under, are secured properly.

Virginia law allows police to cite anyone driving a car in which an occupant under age 16 is not wearing a safety belt or is not in a child safety seat. It also provides that drivers may be cited if they are not properly restrained if stopped for other violations.

“Click It or Ticket” is one of several programs under the Smart, Safe and Sober partnership, a statewide program dedicated to preventing death and injury on Virginia roadways. It is a partnership of the Prince William County Police, the Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police, the Virginia Department of State Police, the Virginia Sheriffs’ Association, DRIVE SMART Virginia, and the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles.

According to a news release from Prince William Police, “There’s no good excuse for not buckling up! Unless you want to risk a ticket, or worse, always remember to “Click It or Ticket,” day and night.”

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