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VDOT to okay traffic signal for US 15 and Waverly Farm Rd.

Gainesville Supervisor Candland reports that the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) soon will approve the installation of traffic signal at the intersection of US 15 and Waverly Farm Road.

Candland, whose four-year term began Jan. 1, 2012, delivered the good news during his first town hall meeting with constituents on Jan. 19.

The intersection, due to open this year, has received considerable attention recently because three schools and Park Valley Church are nearby. Previously VDOT had postponed installation of the signal, based on the amount of traffic through the intersection area during a traffic study, said Candland.

In a Jan. 6 letter to Sean Connaughton, Virginia’s Secretary of Transportation, Candland described the numerous school and church activities in the area, the planned fall opening of the new middle school and the Toll Bros. proffer to cover the cost of the traffic signal’s installation.

Candland was quoted in a news release as saying, “There was a team effort in Richmond led by Delegate Tim Hugo (R-40th District), with considerable help from Senator Dick Black (R-13th District), Delegate David Ramadan (R-87 District), and Delegate Bob Marshall (R-13 District). These public servants were united in a commitment to solve this problem and ensure that this intersection is as safe as possible for travelers.”

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