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Patriot PTSA makes a pioneering effort

The Patriot High School Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) is making a pioneering effort. PTSA committees started forming last spring and met through the summer to be ready in time for the Nokesville’s school opening.

“This was time consuming and there were some instrumental people who gave their time by serving on these committees,” said Gayle K. Jenkins, PTSA vice president in charge of ways and means. “With a brand new PTSA, you are starting from ground zero and trying to build funds to be able to provide different programs,” she said, thanking everyone who helped.

Currently, the Patriot High School PTSA has 124 parent members, 56 student members and 79 high school staff members, but is always looking for more support. “This is a great start but we obviously want more families becoming members and being a voice in their children’s education,” Jenkins said.

Jenkins has lived in Bristow for 10 years, and is the mother of two students attending Patriot High School – Joshua, 17, and Jake, 15. She previously served as the treasurer of the Gainesville Middle School and Brentsville District High School parent groups.

Other Patriot High PTSA officers this year include: Maria Brady, president; Michelle Holman, vice president in charge of membership; Brian Layton; and Janine Bonner, secretary.

Read the full story in the print version of the Bull Run Observer.

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