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Telephone town hall meeting with Rep. Connolly Aug. 4

Congressman Gerry Connolly will hold a telephone town tall meeting for constituents of the 11th Congressional District of Virginia on Thursday, Aug. 4,  from 8 to 9 p.m.
At the end of the hour-long meeting, those who were unable to ask a question and all participants on the call will be invited to leave a voice mail message with a question.  Connolly will respond to every question, according to a statement.

Thousands Prince William County residents as well as many in Fairfax County and Fairfax City will receive calls as the one-hour meeting is about to begin inviting them to stay on the line if they want to participate.  Those wanting to participate and guarantee that they are called may sign up on Connolly’s website at before 11 a.m. on Thursday.

Although participants may ask questions on any topic, Connolly expects most will focus on congressional action on raising the debt ceiling and the impact on the economies of the nation and Virginia.

Connolly’s previous town meetings have been very popular with constituents, who note that they don’t have to drive to the event, they can participate from the comfort of their homes, and they can bow out quietly when they are ready to leave the discussion, a news release said.

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