Congresswoman Barbara Comstock (R-VA) released the following statement after voting against the president’s Iran Nuclear Agreement Sept. 11. A bipartisan majority of the House opposed the president’s deal, voting against it by a margin of over 100 votes - 162-269-1:
“On the 14th anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks, and the third anniversary of the Benghazi terrorist attacks, I voted against the president’s unverifiable, unenforceable, and unconscionable Iran nuclear deal because it emboldens Iran to continue spreading instability and terror throughout the world, and provides them with billions of dollars to do so by the lifting of sanctions.
“A strong bipartisan coalition that includes Foreign Relations Committee Ranking Democrat Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD), as well as Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY), and other House and Senate Democrat leaders understand the deal leaves a path open for Iran to acquire nuclear weapons. Back in March, I signed a bipartisan letter along with 367 of my colleagues saying, ‘A final comprehensive nuclear agreement must constrain Iran’s nuclear infrastructure so that Iran has no pathway to a bomb…’ This deal fundamentally fails this stated goal.
“I also hope that the U.S. Senate will stop the partisan filibuster led by Minority Leader Harry Reid and that the Senate, including Virginia’s two U.S. Senators, will allow an up-or-down vote on this consequential agreement.”
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