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PWC public school students score above national averages on SAT tests but echo national dip

The newly released average SAT scores of Prince William County Public School students remained well above national averages, but echoed nationwide results by dropping very slightly between 2013-14 and 2014-15.

“What is important is that performance scores remained solid and reflect and combined increase of 17 points since 2010-11,” said Associate Superintendent for High Schools, Mickey Mulgrew. “A one or two point fluctuation in any area is not cause for alarm.”

2015 SAT Performance
Reading Math Writing Combined Change Since 2010-11
PWCS 510 508 489 1507 +17
Nation 495 511 484 1462 -10
Virginia 518 516 499 1533 +17

The number of PWCS students taking the SAT rose by nearly eight percent over the past five years, while test participation dropped by more than two percent statewide. The PWCS student scores matched the 17 point gain seen in across Virginia over the five year period, though combined scores fell short of the statewide averages.

“We are proud that we increased the number of students taking these tests and will continue to look for ways to strengthen already-strong performance and student success, said Rita Goss, associate superintendent for student learning and accountability.

The latest results provide additional indicators of progress.

Performance of Black students in PWCS is significantly higher than both VA and national averages in ALL three areas;

Performance of Hispanic students in PWCS is significantly higher than national averages in ALL three areas;

Performance of White students in PWCS is higher than the national average in all three areas and the same as or higher than VA in reading and math;

Threes schools, Gar-Field, Forest Park, and Patriot increased in all three areas;

Battlefield HS increased in reading and math and stayed the same in writing;

Potomac and Stonewall Jackson each increased in one area (reading for Potomac and math for Stonewall Jackson).

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