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Get ready to deal with emergencies: September is National Preparedness Month in Virginia

Governor Terry McAuliffe has proclaimed September as National Preparedness Month in Virginia and he encourages business owners, families and communities to be ready for emergencies.

“September has historically been the most active time of the year for hurricanes in Virginia,” Governor McAuliffe said. “Whether it’s a natural disaster like a hurricane or a human-caused emergency like terrorism, individuals, families and businesses that take the time to prepare are more resilient in the long run than those who failed to plan.”

Everyone can prepare for all emergencies, including hurricanes, by taking these steps:

• Sign up for text alerts/weather warnings that may be offered by your locality.

• Download the free Ready Virginia app for iPhone® and Android™.  Features:
Weather warnings issued for your location by the National Weather Service
A customizable emergency plan that can be easily shared with family and friends
A checklist for gathering emergency supplies.

Have basic supplies on hand to last at least three days for each family member:
• Food that won’t spoil, such as canned and packaged foods
• Water, one gallon per person per day
• A working battery-operated radio and extra batteries
• Flashlights with extra batteries
• First aid kit
• A written list of your prescriptions and prescribing doctor(s) and at least a week’s supply of medications
• Food and water for your pets

Create a family emergency communications plan. Decide how and where everyone will meet up with each other if separated. Choose an out-of-town emergency contact for your family and give that person’s phone number to each family member.

Make a sheet of emergency contacts and post it in visible places in your home and workplace.  Don’t rely on your smart phone or online contact lists.

Get a free emergency plan worksheet and emergency contact cards at or or use the new Ready Virginia app.

People with disabilities or access and functional needs may need to take additional steps. Plan how to handle power outages and/or being asked to evacuate. For more information, go to

The third National Day of Action on Sept. 30, known as America’s PrepareAthon! Day, is a nationwide, community-based campaign for action to increase emergency preparedness and resilience through hazard-specific drills, group discussions and exercises. To sign up for America’s PrepareAthon! go to and register how you will take action to prepare in September.

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