National Bike to School Day was a hit with 240 students and 30 parents riding to Glenkirk Elementary School
May 6.
More than 25 per cent of the students chose to bike to school. For doing so, they were entered in a drawing to win one of four bicycles or backpacks.
Fitness and fun are part of elementary school life, as much as academics, at Glenkirk Elementary. It’s no surprise that fourth and fifth grade students have great scores on their physical fitness exams.
In aerobic activity, the pass rate is 95.5% for females in grade four, and 96.9% for male students in grade five. Pass rates for abdominal, flexibility, and upper body were in the 90% range on tests administered during the 2014-15 school year.
Whatever the grade level, students learn best when they are healthy and physically fit. Physical education teachers Bonnie Bjorkman and John Wild, Principal Lisa Gilkerson, and the entire staff encourage students to exercise daily for a healthful future.
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