Rising high school juniors and seniors can earn college credit this summer with the Pre-College Summer Academy sponsored by the Manassas Campus of Northern Virginia Community College.
Two college courses just for high school juniors and seniors will meet at NOVA’s Innovation Park Center from July 6 to July 30. Students may select “History of Western Civilization I” (HIS 101) or “Introduction to Computer Applications and Concepts” (ITE 115). Each class awards three college credits for successful completion and dual credit might be available through the student’s high school.
Interested students and their families can learn more during an information session Saturday, May 2 at NOVA’s Innovation Park Center, 9485 Innovation Drive in Manassas. For more information, go to http://novaprecollege.eventbrite.com or call Jenni Barlet at 703-530-3071.
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<a href="http://www.bullrunnow.com/news/article/03787">New for high school students: Pre-College Summer Academy at NOVA-Manassas</a>