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VDOT’S “Pardon Our Dust meeting on Rt. 1 underground utilities POSTPONED

The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) has postponed a Feb. 26 “pardon our dust” meeting on a project to construct a ductbank that will carry new undergrounded utilities along Route 1 between Mary’s Way and Annapolis Way. When rescheduled residents can meet the project team to learn more about construction and traffic impacts expected to begin in March.

The public can stop by between 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. on new date to be determined at O.W.L. (Occoquan-Woodbridge-Lorton) Volunteer Fire Department – Station 2 (previously known as Botts Fire Hall), 1306 F Street, Woodbridge, VA 22191. A presentation will begin at 7:00 p.m.

These utilities are being undergrounded in advance of the Route 1/123 Interchange project. The first phase of road construction would widen Route 1 and make improvements to Occoquan Road, and is anticipated to begin in early 2016.  When additional funding is identified, the second phase would construct additional Route 123 improvements and the proposed interchange.

Additional improvements in the first phase of construction include:

Raised grass medians on Route 1
A new Route 1 bridge at Marumsco Creek
Ten-foot shared-use path and six-foot sidewalk on Route 1.
Enhanced access to the Woodbridge VRE/Amtrak Station for vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians

The cost for the underground utilities ductbank is approximately $12 million; the cost estimate for the overall Route 1/123 Interchange design-bid-build project is approximately $259 million.

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