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County residents asked to clear sidewalks of snow and “adopt” a fire hydrant

While there is no legal requirement in Prince William County to do so, residents and businesses are encouraged to remove snow from sidewalks, if they are able. “We ask that people clear snow from their sidewalks so that there is a safe place for people to walk. Otherwise, children and other pedestrians end up walking in the street, which is not a safe alternative,” Prince William County spokeswoman Nikki Brown was quoted as saying in a news release.

The Prince William County Fire Marshal’s Office asks people to “adopt” a fire hydrant. Firefighters need to be able to find hydrants quickly when there’s a fire that needs putting out. Fire and Rescue asks that people remove snow around the hydrant to make it visible during big storms. It’s also helpful to place to place 4-foot, orange-tipped, 1-by-2-inch stakes in front of the hydrant or spray paint “fire hydrant” on the snow in front of the hydrant with brightly colored paint.

The main thing to remember, according to Brown, is to be safe. “We want people to always consider safety first. If the roads are bad, and you can stay where you are at, then do so. This allows the snow plows to do their jobs. Or get where you need to be before the weather gets bad.”

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