Charles E. “Chuck” Penn, Sr.. manager of Media/ Community Relations for Dominion Virginia Power in the Northern Virginia area, says. “Almost invariably, we are asked during cold snaps and heavy power usage periods if we anticipate any issues with providing sufficient energy capacity to meet the demand.
Penn says Dominion does not anticipate “any load-related issues as a result of the cold temperatures forecasted this week. We have done a preemptive check of our system and equipment to ensure it is able to meet the anticipated increase in demand. If an outage event does occur, however, we have response personnel ready to respond quickly and safely.”
Penn passed on these cold weather comfort tips for customers:
· The number one cause of furnace breakdowns is a dirty or clogged air filter—change monthly.
· Inspect your heating system annually. Dominion offers up to $90 through a rebate program to help customers offset the cost of the inspection:
· Perform or hire an expert to conduct a home energy audit, which is easier than it sounds. Locate leaky doors or windows and seal them with weather stripping or caulk; inspect and seal ductwork, and identify and seal air leaks that bring the cold air into your home. Dominion offers rebates to help customers offset the costs of these preventative measures. Dominion also a provides an in-home energy audit and offers free or low-cost remedies, such as replacing weather stripping, sealing off cracks, etc. for income-qualifying customers.
· When the temperatures outside plummet, we tend to reach for the thermostat and raise it a few degrees. Consider temporarily lowering your thermostat a degree or two and add a sweater to stay comfortable to keep your electric bill down—every degree can save you up to 3% during the time period you deploy this method.
· If you’re away from the home for a few hours, reduce your thermostat several degrees to save on electricity. When you return home, gradually increase the temperature to avoid running the emergency heat function on your heat pump.
· If you use a space heater to supplement your heat, be careful to use a heater with safety features, such as an automatic shut-off in case it is tipped over. Never use a heater near combustible items, such as furniture, drapes, and don’t leave it unattended.
· If you haven’t used your fireplace recently, double-check to make sure the flue is closed. Wood-burning fireplaces create a nice ambiance, but are not a good source for heating. The heat generated by the fire is offset by the cold air coming in from the outdoors.
· Check your water heater—many water heaters are set to 140 degrees, when 120-125 degrees will keep the water hot enough for daily use while reducing your energy consumption.
· Consider adding insulation to your attic to keep that warm air in.
· On sunny days, open your shades to let the sunlight in and keep them closed at night to keep out the cold.
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