At its meeting on February 5, the Prince William County School Board approved Boundary Plan 1.1B for the new “Haymarket Drive” Elementary School recommended by the planning committee with two caveats.
One caveat is that rising fifth graders at the affected schools be permitted to remain at their present elementary school for the 2014-15 school year, providing their own transportation. The second caveat is that all current K-4 students may stay at their current school providing their own transportation if the principal determines that there is space available.
The Board also approved Boundary Plan 1.2 as prepared by the Nokesville K-8 School boundary planning committee.
Rising fifth graders at the affected elementary schools and rising eighth graders at the affected middle schools be permitted to remain at their present school for the 2014-15 school year, providing their own transportation, according to the school community relations office.
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