To show their appreciation for making Prince William County “a great place to live, work and raise a family,” two Board of County Supervisors hosted a dinner party for 200 senior citizens in early December.
Wally Covington (R-Brentsville) called the traditional event “one of the most enjoyable nights of my career,” noting that it was an opportunity to “recognize those seniors who really built the community.”
Marty Nohe (R-Coles) agreed saying “This gives us an opportunity to get out and meet people and tell them how much we appreciate what they have done to make the county a better place through the years.”
The event took place at the Manassas Park Community Center and featured not only thank you addresses by the two supervisors, but also included a snack bar, a turkey dinner with all the trimmings, holiday music by DJ Ben Geyer of Chantilly, a visit by Santa Claus (George Ashley) and the awarding of door prizes.
Covington has sponsored the dinner for 10 years and Nohe for four.
Among the attendees were Ruby and Charles Wilbanks of Manassas Park, coming for their second year, for the fellowship.
“This is a great opportunity to come out and have an enjoyable evening while getting a chance to meet up with old neighbors and friends,” said Ruby Wilbanks.
Covington said that “while we enjoy putting on the event, we know by their comments the seniors also look forward to coming out each year.”
He said he gets lots of inquiries throughout the year as to when the dinner will be held so that those planning to come can mark it on their calendars.
Both of the supervisors chipped in and helped serve the food to the seniors. Eleven volunteers from the Joe 15 Team, founded by Debbie Page-Maples, also assisted in the room decked in a holiday theme for the occasion.
For years, the event was held in venues in Manassas but as the number of seniors wanting to attend, the dinner outgrew available space and so it was moved to the Manassas Park location.
In his brief speech, Nohe wished the gathering a “very merry Christmas and a happy New Year.”
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