Stonewall Jackson High School has scheduled its 2013-2014 “Back to School Family Celebration” for Tuesday, September 10 from 6 until 8:30 pm.
The celebration will begin in the auditorium with a special welcome and address by Mr. Nichols, school principal.
Support staff will be available to assist parents with Parent Portal registration and updates. Parent Portal provides 24 hour access to student grades and attendance via the internet.
There will also be representatives and sponsors from many groups to assist parents and students with an opportunity to sign up for a variety of activities.
A healthy refreshment will be provided in the first floor cafeteria. SJHS staff looks forward to talking with parents, guardians and students and the start of the new school year.
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<a href="">Stonewall Jackson High hosts “Back to School Family Celebration” on Sept. 10.</a>