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Wakefield School’s student-produced publications win Gold Medal

Both of Wakefield School’s student-produced publications, the 2012-2013 Talisman and the 2012-2013 Amulet, were Gold Medal Award Winners in the Columbia Scholastic Press Association’s annual critique.

The Gold Medal is the highest rating, and Wakefield’s literary magazines have consistently earned this honor.

The Talisman, Wanderlust, is the Upper School’s literary/art magazine, and the Amulet, Head in the Clouds, is its Lower School companion.

Entirely student produced, these showcases of Wakefield students’ writing and art reflect both the quality and diversity of the writing and art work submitted, and the unique professionalism of the student editors and staff.

Prose, poetry, art, and photography pieces by 56 students in the Lower and Middle Schools contributed in the production of the 2013 Amulet. 

Dr. Thomas Perry, faculty advisor for the publications, said, “This is the first time in my tenure as faculty advisor that we submitted both publications individually and both took the gold. Outstanding jobs by the publications teams!”

The 2012-13 Talisman publication team was EricaJoy Oliverio and Alex Simon (Co-Editors-in-chief), Caroline Kessler, Caitlin Wagner and Kate Weimer (Staff).

The 2012-13 Amulet publication team was Juliet Mayer (Editor-in-Chief), Morgan Hadlock (Art Editor), Nicole Andersen (Prose Editor), and Devon Vickery (Poetry Editor).

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