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Manassas City Police Department public notice 7/9/13

PUBLIC NOTICE from Manassas (VA) City Police Department:

The City of Manassas Police Department will be submitting a grant application to the Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs under the FY 2013 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program.  The Department was allocated $19,079 and will request to use these funds for various supply/equipment purchases to increase officer and citizen safety.  Applications are due in July and the grant award period will be from October 1, 2012 through September 30, 2014.  Any comments on the submission of this application should be directed to Lieutenant Tina P. Laguna of the Special Projects Office at the Police Department.  Lieutenant Laguna can be reached by phone at (703) 257-8025 or via email at: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

This project, if approved, will fund several equipment purchases that will: 1) increase officer and citizen safety during hazardous situations; 2) reduce officer and offender injuries with less lethal force devices; 3) enhance the accuracy and durability of less lethal force devices; 4) enhance citizen safety at large events and festivals; and 5) increase patrolling efforts in vehicular restrictive areas.  These purchases include:

1)    Purchase One (1) Ballistic (Rifle) Shield with Light and One (1) Ballistic (Pistol)
Shield with Light

Cost:  $7,700.00

The Manassas City Police Department has an Emergency Services Unit (ESU) that is deployed to high-risk situations, armed and/or barricaded subjects, hostage situations, school violence incidents, warrant services for major arrests, hazardous search warrants, and other similar life threatening events.  This team of highly skilled officers is responsible for ensuring officer and citizen safety during these critical events.  The ESU spends countless hours training with specialized equipment so that they will be prepared for numerous types of events.  In order to effectively handle major incidents, all team members must have the proper equipment.  The Ballistic Rifle Shield has a threat level of National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Level III, which means it will prevent most rifle rounds from penetrating.  The Ballistic Pistol Shield has a threat level of National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Level IIIA, which means it will prevent bullets up to and including 44 Magnum rounds from penetrating.  Both shields are 48 inches in height which will allow officers to take cover behind them when faced with an armed adversary.  Both shields have built-in ladders so that officers can use them to climb over fences or into large vehicles or windows.  Because the shields have wheels, they are mobile and can be used to escort officers, citizens or victims from one location to another.  These proposed ballistic shields will provide an extra level of safety for both the team members, other officers and citizens during high risk or armed situations.

2)    Purchase One (1) Hydraulic Breaching Tool, One (1) Glass Breaking Breaching
Tool, One (1) Noise Flash Distraction Device Pole (NFDD), and One (1) Fixed Truss
Heavy Duty Ladder

Cost:  $4,200.00      

The Manassas City Police Department has an Emergency Services Unit (ESU) that must be prepared for dangerous or hazardous situations.  These situations sometimes involve incidents when officers have the legal right to enter a residence or other type of structure but have been denied entry.  There are also times when this unit must force entry during an emergency such as a fire or other incident in which a victim, hostage, or innocent bystander is unable to open the door.  The proposed Hydraulic Breaching Tool is a mechanical device that can be used to force open a door or entryway.  The device has a hydraulic pump and a five foot extension so that ESU members do not have to stand in the doorway to operate the tool.  The Glass Breaking Breaching Tool allows the operator to break and clear out windows to create a safe opening in both structures and buses.  The tool is designed to provide added safety for the operator by allowing the breaching to be done to the side and at a distance from the glass impediment.  The Noise Flash Distraction Device Pole (NFDD) allows the ESU to more accurately deliver a NFDD such as a flash bang into an area without officers compromising their safety.  The Heavy Duty Ladder will allow ESU to safely reach multi-level structures.  The proposed ladder is designed to support not just people but equipment so, if necessary, team members could breach openings or windows on higher levels and still safely deploy NFDD devices.  All of the above devices will keep officers safe and out of harm’s way when it becomes legally necessary to make a forcible entry.

3)    Purchase Five (5) Electronic Control Devices (ECD’s), Five (5) Holsters and Six (6) Cartridges

Cost:  $5,520.00

The Manassas City Police Department is a medium sized, full service agency that provides a wide range of quality police services including around the clock preventative and enforcement patrols, targeted selective enforcement, criminal investigations, vice and narcotic and gang investigations and other crime prevention and community service related activities.  While many encounters between officers and individuals are non-violent, officers routinely encounter individuals who are resistant or combative.  The purpose of the proposed Electronic Control Devices (ECD’s) is the incapacitation or restriction of movement of a person demonstrating defensive resistance.  The ECD’s are handheld battery powered Conducted Energy Weapons.  They are designed to override the sensory and motor functions of the central nervous system, causing uncontrollable contractions of the muscle tissue.  The proposed ECD’s are water resistant, have extended battery life performance, and have dual lasers, providing the user with a higher level of accuracy.  The proposed holsters allow officers to safely carry the unit along with their other department issued equipment.  The proposed cartridges are more technologically advanced.  They have a static resistant propulsion system that reduces the risk of accidental static discharge misfires.  The ECD’s and additional accessories provide officers with a less lethal force option that can be deployed to combat defensive resistance.  This can prove beneficial for the safety and protection of the officers, the resistant individual(s) as well as the general public. 

4)    Purchase One (1) Police Bicycle, One (1) Police Siren and One (1) Light System for the Bicycle and Accessories

Cost:  $1,659.00

The Manassas City Police Department has a Bicycle Unit that is a vital part of the Patrol Division.  This unit can patrol areas of the City where vehicular access is limited or unavailable.  Officers on bikes can more easily move through crowds at large functions such as City festivals and parades.  The unit also participates in community and neighborhood events.  While participating in these auxiliary activities, officers must be prepared to answer calls for service no matter where they are in the City.  In order to do so safely, their bicycles must be equipped with emergency equipment and accessories so they may move through the City and be recognized as police officers.  The proposed purchase of the bicycle with the police siren, light system and accessories would enhance the effectiveness of operations and the efficient use of resources.  This fully equipped police bicycle would allow more trained officers to ride during their shifts.  Some of the accessories make the bicycle safe to ride both in the daytime and at night.  Officers would be able to conduct the same types of police business on a bicycle as in a cruiser, to include making traffic stops.  The proposed bicycle would provide officers with access to areas or functions in which a vehicle is not ideal.  It would also allow more officers to participate in community events, thus enhancing relationships with citizens in the City.

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