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Part of Kincheloe Road to be closed for repairs June 18-20

VDOT Maintenance crews are preparing to repair a failing portion of Kincheloe Road between Old Yates Ford Road and the Bull Run Marina Regional Park soccer fields, according to Del. Tim Hugo.

VDOT is planning a full road closure (closed to through traffic/local traffic only) for three days, between June 18th and June 20th, weather permitting.

This closure will be accompanied by an appropriately signed detour (via Henderson Road/Clifton Road/Yates Ford Road) for through traffic. The planned actions give VDOT adequate time to prepare the road’s surface and drainage, while keeping staff safe and minimizing traffic impacts.

VDOT intends to have the detour in place prior to the closure and message boards alerting the public at least three days prior to the commencement of work.  Staff will be at each closure point to re-direct and communicate with motorists as necessary.

VDOT has also been communicating directly with affected local residents, emergency responders and the schools, in advance of the closure, alerting them to the plan as described. Finally, information regarding the closure will be posted on VA511.

For questions, contact Delegate Hugo at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address), or 703-815-1201.  To contact VDOT directly call 1-800-FOR-ROAD.

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