Richard L. Anderson, a member of the Virginia House of Delegates from Woodbridge,June 17 addressed select high school students attending the 71st session of American Legion Boys State of Virginia being held this week at Radford University.
Delegate Rich Anderson (R-51), participating for his fourth consecutive time as an instructor in the Boys State program, spoke on “Virginia Government - Origins to Today.”
He described the history and legislative process of the Virginia General Assembly including how a bill becomes law. Anderson also discussed his duties and challenges as a state Delegate along with various current policy and political issues facing state government in Virginia. He answered questions from the Boys State citizens.
Anderson also taught an afternoon session entitled “Running for Public Office.”
The 2013 session of American Legion Boys State of Virginia opened yesterday with 694 delegates in attendance. Outstanding rising seniors from high schools – public, private and homeschooled—across Virginia have been chosen to participate in this annual educational program.
Boys State, sponsored by the American Legion in each state, is designed to instruct select high school students about state and local government.
Delegates to this intensive week-long session will hear addresses from various state and local officials including the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, a cabinet secretary, nine members of the General Assembly, a district judge, a state prosecutor and three local officials.
All delegates are assigned to one of 16 Boys State cities named after famous military leaders, like Eisenhower, MacArthur, and Patton. Each Boys State citizen isalso assigned to either of the fictitious political parties—Federalist or Nationalist—for purposes of nominating and electing candidates for mayor of each city, the Boys State legislature, attorney general, lieutenant governor, and governor along with various other state and local offices.
Citizens elected to the various positions actually serve in those offices during the week and take on their respective duties and responsibilities. Students attending Boys State learn citizenship and civic leadership through participation.
The first Boys State in the nation was held in 1935 in Illinois. The American Legion Department of Virginia sponsored its first Boys State program in 1939.
Principal speakers for this week include: Attorney General Kenneth T. Cuccinelli (1:15 pm on Tuesday, June 18): Lieutenant Governor William T. Bolling (9:30 am on Wednesday, June 19) and Governor Robert F. McDonnell (11:15 am on Thursday, June 20), according to a news release.
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