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Local government leaders, planners and housing experts to hear what’s ahead in housing policies

Wondering how changes in housing policies in Washington will affect your future locally?

On June 14, Senator Mark Warner and other federal and state leaders will lead a statewide policy forum, What’s Ahead for Housing: A Symposium on Federal Housing Policy Change, sponsored by Housing Virginia and the Weldon Cooper Center at the University of Virginia, according to a news release.

The event will take place from 8:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m. at the Boars Head Inn in Charlottesville.

Local government leaders, planners and housing providers from around the state will gather in Charlottesville to hear the latest on the federal landscape. 

Topics will include foreclosures, the HUD and Rural Housing Budgets, homelessness, the Community Reinvestment Act, the future of the GSEs, “qualified mortgage” rules, how tax reform might affect the Mortgage Interest Deduction and Low Income Tax Credits, and much more. 

Senator Mark Warner and will participate in the Symposium through a video connection.  The local host is Charlottesville’s Coalition for Housing Affordability.

Confirmed speakers include HUD Deputy Secretary Maurice Jones, City Counselor Dave Norris,  Joseph Ventrone, National Association of REALTORS, Ethan Handelman, National Housing Conference, Paul Weech, Housing Partnership Network, Bill Shelton, Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development, Susan Dewey and Barry Merchant, Virginia Housing Development Authority, Richard Owen, Virginia Mortgage Lenders Association, Julia Gordon, Center for American Progress, John Bohm, NAHRO, Robin Gahan, VCEH, Barbara Burnham, LISC, Kelly Harris-Braxton, Virginia First Cities, Mark Flynn, Virginia Municipal League.

Housing Virginia is a broad based, statewide partnership of public and private organizations and committed individuals that believe that all Virginians should have access to high quality, affordable housing in suitable locations. This event is made possible through the generous support of Capital One Bank.

For more information on What’s Ahead for Housing: A Symposium on Federal Housing Policy Change go to

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