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Virginia Health Department will send letter to fifth grade parents about HPV Vaccine

During May, Prince William County elementary schools will send home a letter from the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) providing information on human papillomavirus (HPV) and the human papillomavirus vaccine.

State law requires this information be provided to parents of rising sixth-grade girls. The letter from Dr. Cynthia Romero, state health commissioner, is written in English and Spanish and, for the fourth consecutive year, includes answers to the most frequently asked questions.

The HPV vaccine series, which is administered in three evenly-spaced doses, is optional for female students. The first dose must be given before the child enters sixth grade. Unlike other required vaccines, after reviewing materials provided by the Virginia Board of Health, the parent or guardian may elect for the child not to receive the HPV vaccine.

Shots may be obtained from a doctor, military clinics, or the Prince William County Health Department. Contact information for the Prince William County Health Department is: 9301 Lee Avenue, Manassas VA 20110, Call 703-792-6301, and 13792 Smoketown Road, Woodbridge VA 22191, call 703-792-7300.

Parents should review their child’s shot record and contact their child’s doctor or local health department if they have questions. Parents may also contact Dr. Sandra Sommer, Division of Immunization, Virginia Department of Health, at 804-864-8055, or .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address); or Tia Campbell, Office of Student Services, Virginia Department of Education, at 804-786-8671, or .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

A complete list of all immunizations required for school entry is available in “School & Day Care Minimum Immunization Requirements” from the Virginia Department of Health.

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