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Registration starts Friday for fall classes at Northern Virginia Community College

Registration starts May 3 for Northern Virginia Community College’s fall semester and students are encouraged to enroll early while the most choices are available.

Online registration is open 24 hours a day at and personalized service is available at NOVA’s campuses in Manassas, Woodbridge, Alexandria, Annandale, Loudoun and Springfield.

Students may register now and not pay tuition until July 29. Starting July 29, tuition is due by 5 p.m. on the next business day after registering.

Classes in the 16-week session begin Aug. 21. Two eight-week sessions starting Aug. 21 and Oct. 16 are also offered.

For more flexibility, distance learning courses begin at various times throughout the year. Most distance learning courses are completed online and are best suited for students with self-discipline and good Internet skills.

NOVA’s guaranteed admission agreements with dozens of colleges and universities ensure a smooth transition from NOVA to a four-year institution while saving students thousands of dollars in tuition.

Apply for free and register online at

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