Prince William County’s Neighborhood Services Division reminds residents that it is illegal under state law to place signs in the right-of-way of all public roads.
These include signs placed on traffic signs, staked in the medians, tacked on utility poles and nailed to fences.
Property owners are allowed to place a yard or garage sale sign 2 feet by 2 feet or smaller on their own private property or other private properties where they have received permission.
Signs posted in the VDOT right-of-way pose a potential safety problem for drivers and pedestrians by distracting motorists, creating blind spots and presenting hazards for people walking, a county press release said.
Nails, screws, tacks and plastic ties used on utility poles are hazardous for utility workers. Often, these signs are never removed and quickly litter the streets–detracting from the appearance of our roadways and neighborhoods, according to the news release.
The Neighborhood Services Litter Crew and VDOT crews remove any signs placed illegally in the public right-of-way. If you have any questions on where to place your sign, contact Neighborhood Services at 703-792-7018 or
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