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Conference call for small tax-exempt charities on April 23 to focus on tax status

The Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) is encouraging small charities, those with annual gross receipts of $50,000 or less, to participate in a conference call hosted by the Office of Senator Mark Warner and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) on Tuesday, April 23, from 5 to 6 p.m.

The conference call will focus on the automatic revocation of a charity’s federal tax-exempt status when the charity fails to file annual returns with the IRS for three consecutive years. IRS staff will address why automatic revocation occurs, what it means and what a charity can do to regain its federal tax-exempt status.

Maintaining federal tax-exempt status is important on both the federal and state level. “We remind all charities that as a condition of being authorized to solicit contributions in Virginia, charities must maintain tax-exempt status with the IRS,” said VDACS Commissioner Matthew J. Lohr.

Loss of federal tax-exempt status will also have an impact an organization’s eligibility to receive tax-deductible contributions. The list of organizations that have had their federal tax-exempt status automatically revoked can be found at In th.e search box, enter “Automatic Revocation of Exemption List.” Charities also can search the IRS website under “Stay exempt workshop” to access a webinar on important tax compliance issues.

Charities may register for this conference call through Senator Warner’s website at Direc.t all questions about the conference call to Joshua Ogburn with Senator Warner’s Office at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or 540-857-2676.

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