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Congressman Wolf backs moving FBI HQ to Va., implies PWC, Loudoun sites should be in the running

Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA) today testified before a House subcommittee in support of relocating the FBI headquarters to Virginia. He said…“there is no doubt the FBI needs a new headquarters’ building.  I have been there on numerous occasions in my capacity as chairman of the House Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations subcommittee, which funds the bureau. In fact, I was just there yesterday.”

In remarks before the House Transportation subcommittee on public buildings, Wolf said putting the new headquarters in Virginia makes sense because several other FBI offices are already located there as well as a number of important facilities with ties to the FBI.

Additionally, Wolf encouraged the subcommittee against limiting its search for relocation sites within 2.5 miles of the Capital Beltway, as the Senate prospectus now requires.  The Senate restrictions would prevent sites in Loudoun and Prince William counties from being considered.

Wolf praised the quality of life Virginia provides, citing its public schools and training opportunities at Virginia’s higher education institutions that would be advantageous to the FBI.

In December, Wolf joined with other members of the northern Virginia congressional delegation in a letter urging the General Services Administration (GSA) to consider northern Virginia for the new location of the FBI headquarters facility.

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