To encourage tornado awareness and safety, Gov. Bob McDonnell has proclaimed March 12 as Tornado Preparedness Day. During the past two years, 62 tornadoes struck Virginia, killing 10 people and injuring more than 100.
Michael Cline, state coordinator for the Virginia Department of Emergency Management, was quoted in a news release as saying “Knowing what to do when a tornado warning is issued can save your life, so we encourage everyone to participate in the upcoming Statewide Tornado Drill.”
On March 12, residents statewide can practice taking cover from tornadoes during the Statewide Tornado Drill, at 9:45 a.m. The National Weather Service will send a test tornado warning that will trigger a tone alert and broadcast message on NOAA Weather Radio. The message will be picked up by TV and radio broadcasters, simulating what listeners will hear during an actual tornado warning.
When the test tornado warning is sounded, residents are advised “to move as quickly as possible to a safe area in a sturdy building,” says the Viriginia Department of Emergency Management. Safe areas are basements, interior rooms, bathrooms, closets or hallways on the lowest level of a building. Stay away from windows. Once in the safe area, crouch down or sit on the floor, facing down, and cover heads with hands, the news release stated.
Bill Sammler, NWS warning coordination meteorologist, was quoted as saying, “The best and fastest way for anyone to get a tornado warning is by NOAA Weather Radio. “With a weather radio, you get weather data directly from the nearest National Weather Service office. When we issue a tornado warning, the weather radio sounds an alarm or flashes lights and then gives information on where the storm is, which way it’s moving, and telling people in its path to take cover. This radio could be a lifesaver.”
NOAA Weather Radios with SAME alerts are available at electronics and sporting goods stores, discount and department stores, and online. They come in battery-powered models, and many also have AM/FM bands. A special needs NOAA Weather Radio that can warn deaf and hard-of-hearing persons of hazardous conditions, giving them around-the-clock, up-to-the-minute weather information is available, according to the news release.
For help in conducting a tornado drill and to register for the statewide drill, go to Alth.ough registration is not required, people participating in the statewide drill are encouraged to sign up to show their support. The annual drill is a joint effort of VDEM and NWS.
Here’s a look back at tornadoes in Virginia during 2012, according to VDEM:
11 tornadoes were recorded (8 EFO and 3 EF1).
There were no deaths, but six people were injured.
Property damage totaled $3 million.
The highest number of tornados occurred in June (6).
During 2011:
51 tornadoes hit, the second highest number on record (87 struck in 2004).
· In April, 10 people died and more than 100 were injured.
· Most tornadoes occurred during April, but tornadoes also were recorded in March, May, August, September, October and November.
· In April, 212 homes and 17 businesses were destroyed; more than 1,050 homes and businesses were damaged.
· Nearly every part of Virginia experienced tornadoes, including mountain areas.
· One-third of the tornadoes struck at night when people were asleep.
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