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Lake Anna State Park’s new technology brings nature indoors; see at special previews Feb. 23-24

New technology-based displays in the Lake Anna State Park Visitor Center will be open to the public during a special preview Feb. 23-24 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day. The new displays bring nature indoors and into the 21st century, a news release said. The visitor center is usually open only in the summer.

Additions to the visitor center include a 3-D theater, interactive touch screen displays, a picture wall featuring four 70-inch flat screens and museum-quality exhibits that showcase the natural and cultural history of the park. Get weather forecasts and information about park events and programs at the new info desk.

The new displays are a result of a partnership between the Virginia Association for Parks, Friends of Lake Anna State Park and Imperial Multimedia.

Joe Elton, director of Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation State Parks, was quoted in a news release as saying, “The new technology on display here introduces young people to the outdoors in a new and exciting way – in a way they’ve come to expect in the 21st century.”

For more information on Virginia State Park activities and amenities or to make reservations in one of the more than 1,800 campsites or 300 climate-controlled cabins, call the Virginia State Parks Reservation Center at 800-933-PARK (7275) or visit

Lake Anna State Park is located off VA 208 in Spotsylvania County. From Woodbridge take Interstate 95 to VA 208 exit below Fredericksburg. From Manassas-Gainesville area, pick up US 522 south in Culpeper and follow to a left on VA 208 at Dickinson’s Store.

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