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Winners named in Martin Luther King Jr. oratorical contest

Prince William County Public Schools has named the winning students who competed in the Martin Luther King Jr. Youth Oratorical Contest. Area students competed on Jan. 8 for the honor to speak before the audience at the Jan. 21 event.

Awards were given at the high school and at the middle school level. In addition, fourth- and fifth-graders competed in an essay contest; these winners were also honored at the Jan. 21 event.

Best before the Judges:
Norman Jones, Stonewall Middle School
Cynthia Johnson, Stonewall Jackson High School

Best before the Audience:
Norman Jones, Stonewall Middle School
Abbas Idris, Osbourn Park High School

Judges Choice Award:
Hamayel Safi, Woodbridge Middle School
Nicholas Smith, Forest Park High School

Writing Contest:
Nana Amaniampong, King Elementary School
Zoree Jones, Buckland Mills Elementary School
Xa Vian Myles, Williams Elementary School
Valerie Vargas, Bristow Run Elementary School

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